I know that you've come here to kill me. Shoot, you coward, you will only be killing a man

                                                        -Che, moments before his execution

Felix Rodriguez, a CIA operative, led the hunt for Che in Bolivia. An informative told the CIA the whereabouts of Guevara's camp. They captured Che and took him to a mud schoolhouse in La Higuera. For almost two days, Che refused to talk to Bolivian officers and would talk quietly to Bolivian soldiers. Soldier Jaime Nino de Guzman described Che as "dreadful." De Guzman said that Che was shot through the right calf and that his clothes were shredded, and when Che asked for something to smoke, de Guzman complied, giving him a small bag of tobacco. When an officer entered the room Che was being held in and tried to take his pipe as a souvenir, he was kicked against the wall. In another act of defiance against his Captors he spat in the face of Bolivian Rear Admiral Urgateche.

Bolivian President Rene Barrrientos ordered Guevara to be killed on October 9,1967. Thirty-nine year old Che was killed by Mario Teran, who was ordered to make the bullet wounds consistent with the story that Che was killed in battle. Before he was executed, Che was asked if he was thinking of his own immortality. He responded that he was not thinking of his, but that of the revolution.

Guevara was shot a total of nine times.