Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.

                                                                                                   -Che Guevara

Basic Timeline Of Che's Life

June 14 1928 Che Guevara born
March 1953 Batista seized power in Cuba
July 1953 Castro and a small force launched an abortive attack on a barracks in Santiago de Cuba, where he was captured
September 1954 Guevara arrived in Mexico City
November 1954 Batista elected Life President
May 1955 Castro, together with the survivors of his band, were released under an amnesty.
June 1955 Fidel Castro and his brother Raul meet Guevara in Mexico City
November 25 1956 Guevara, the Casto s and a small band set off for Cuba in the yacht Granma
December 2 1956 They land in the province of Oriente in Cuba
May 1958 Batista sent an army of around 10,000 men to attack the guerillas in the Sierra Maestra
August 1958 The guerillas defeated the army and captures large quantities of arms and ammunition
January 1st 1959 Batista flees Cuba
2nd January 199 Castro's forces, including Guevara, enter Havana
16th February 1959 Castro elected Premier
October 7th 1959 Guevara became head of the Industrialization programme of the Institute of National Agrarian Reform
November 1959 Guevara made head of the national bank of Cuba
February 1961 he was made minister for industry
April 1965 he disappears from public view
1967 Rumoured to be in the Belgian Congo taking part in the civil war
October 8th 1967 Captured by Bolivian troops
October 9th Shot dead

Copyright 2008

Ernesto "Che" Guevara (June 14, 1928- October 9 1967) known as El Che, Che Guevara, or just "Che."   Becoming somewhat of a countercultural symbol worldwide, this Argentine Marxist revolutionary,politician, author,physician, military theorist, and guerilla leader still lives today through his styilized image.

He believed that the only way to pull Latin America out of poverty was to start a worldwide revolution.Jacobo Arbanez Guzman's CIA assisted overthrow solidified Che's racial ideology under Guatemala's social reformations.Guevara met Fidel Castro for his July 26th movement. In December 1956, Che was among rebels planning to overthrow United States-backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Guevara soon rose to power within the insurgents and was promoted to comandante.

After becoming president of a national bank and publishing a manual on guerilla warfare, Guevara reviewed the appeals of those convicted as war criminals during the revolutionary tribunals, ratifying sentences which in some cases used firing squads.

Guevara left Cuba in 1956 in an unsuccessful attempt at starting revolutions in Congo-Kinshasa and Bolivia, where he was captured and executed by the CIA.     












Guevara is still a great and revered figure today. He has, in contradiction to his beliefs, become a global marketing emblem within popular culture. Many books, biographies, songs, and movies have been written about Che. the picture titled Guerrillero Herocio (shown on home page) was declared the most famous photograph in the word and Time Magazine named him one of the most influential people of the twentieth century.